Category: Professional Learning - PEBC

News and Blog

BEST group photo - blog post

Reimagining Retention for BIPOC Educators

By Jailyn Jenkins / June 25, 2024

In the crisp embrace of a fall morning in 2022, PEBC colleagues Sathya, Wendy and I met in a charming […]

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Supporting Math Equity in Denver Public Schools

By Wendy Ward Hoffer / March 11, 2024

“Numeracy is a civil right. Agree?” PEBC facilitator Jailyn Jenkins points to one side of the open auditorium, “or disagree?” […]

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Wendy Ward Hoffer

An Overview of Phenomenal Teaching 

By Wendy Ward Hoffer / June 10, 2022

What does it look like to build students’ agency and understanding amidst shifting standards, changing assessments, waves of mandated curricula, […]

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Introduction to Phenomenal Teaching

By Wendy Ward Hoffer / April 19, 2022

This blog post is part of a series excerpted from the 2020 PEBC publication Phenomenal Teaching. The book is available […]

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