The PEBC Phenomenal Teaching Podcast cover with PEBC logo and text about exploring teaching frameworks with experts.

Explore the PEBC's Phenomenal Teaching Framework.

Each episode will take a closer look how the strands of the framework come to life in classrooms and schools. Join us as we unpack Planning, Community, Workshop, Thinking Strategies, Discourse & Assessment.

Finding Humanity in Hybrid Learning

In this episode, PEBC Lab Hosts Jenn Brauner and Jennifer Engbretsen join Michelle Morris Jones on the Phenomenal Teaching Podcast to discuss the ways that hybrid learning is playing out for them and their students.

Jenn shares the ways in which she plans mini units that are life-worthy and engaging for students, how she confers with students who are beside her and at home, and how she structures meaningful exit tickets. Jennifer shares the ways in which she collects data in real time via Desmos & Peardeck so that she can adjust her instruction to meet her students’ needs, how she protects student privacy while teaching virtually and in-person simultaneously, and connecting with each and every student. They also share the struggles associated with striving to “see” their students each and every day, challenges with the physical space, and continually reestablishing norms.

Jennifer Engbretsen loves math and makes it come alive for 9th and 10th graders in Denver. When she’s not working with students she is supporting colleagues as a numbers crunching Data Specialist who believes that student data should guide daily instruction. In addition to being a data guru, she loves crafting and building furniture. Besides teaching high schoolers how to be great thinkers, the most interesting job she has ever had was working at a Glow in the Dark Putt Putt.

Jenn Brauner rocks the middle grades and has found that adolescents are just as quirky in a virtual setting as they are in the classroom. She recommends “predictability on steroids” and has found that a consistent opening routine has paved the way for student engagement and learning. When it comes to planning, prioritizing reading, thinking, and talking allows her to align her standards and assessments with the just right medium for student understanding, engagement, and equity.

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