Early Childhood Education

Colorado Teaching Residency for Early Childhood Educators

With the passage of universal preschool through Proposition EE in November 2020, the need for highly trained early childhood educators who are equipped to teach an increasingly linguistically and culturally diverse population in Colorado has never been more urgent. In an effort to address these challenges, PEBC offers a systemic solution to critical early childhood workforce issues. These include:

  • Creating a licensing pathway that cultivates highly qualified, diverse early childhood educators at a moment when Colorado is facing a profound talent shortage
  • Solving systemic compensation and financial model barriers that impact recruitment and retention
  • Creating an innovation hub to serve as a “lab” to incubate workforce solutions
  • Increasing awareness and access to the pathway

How PEBC can help

Two women wearing face masks, one in white holding papers and the other in a blue shirt, inside a brightly lit room.
Children sitting on the floor of a classroom, raising their hands, with a teacher at the front near a whiteboard and windows.


Hire well-trained, enthusiastic ECE eachers who are experienced
How PEBC can help you build your teacher pipeline

  • Partnering with you to host a Teacher Resident
  • Access to PEBC Teacher Resident alumni
  • Assistance with hiring highly qualified Teacher Residents
  • Identifying and training Mentor teachers


High quality teachers in the classroom 
How PEBC can help you inspire teachers

  • Provide professional learning that is engaging, practical, and applicable
  • Increase teacher efficacy, teacher effectiveness, and student achievement
  • Build leadership capacity at all levels in order to increase collective efficacy and improve at the system level

Examples of how PEBC can help you support teachers and leaders

  • Coaching around effective instructional practice
  • Training coaches/mentors
  • Leadership communities of practice to enhance collaboration among leaders
  • Lab classrooms to see excellence in action
  • Institutes to build vision and new skills
  • Building collective capacity for teacher leaders through weekly leadership team meetings
  • Facilitating Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in which teachers examine achievement data and plan to address learning loss
Students Learning Together


The social and emotional well-being of leaders, teachers, and students
How PEBC can help you keep teachers and leaders in the system

  • Developing communities of practice among teachers and leaders around best practices
  • SEL workshops and institutes
  • SEL and Equity study groups and professional development
  • Leadership capacity building

What does this look like at your school?

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Our Learning Model

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