“Different from a traditional teacher program” - PEBC
Autumn Wright

“Different from a traditional teacher program”

Autumn Wright’s life could have taken many paths, between IT, philosophy or teaching. A chance encounter with folks from PEBC, and an introduction to the teacher residency program, sealed her fate, and she has never looked back.

“(The program) was different from a traditional college program,” Wright says. “I liked being in a cohort that was small enough that we could grow and learn together.”

Before discovering her true calling to teach the next generation of writers, this sixth- grade writing teacher spent more than a decade in internet technology. Realizing this wasn’t where she wanted to be, Wright returned to school and received a degree in philosophy. However, this wasn’t the answer for her, either. So, she returned to IT while also garnering her substitute teaching license. Finally, a “wonderful and inspiring” conversation with PEBC representatives about the teacher residency allowed her to see a path that would enable her to realize her lifelong career.

“My husband is a teacher, and I always had the feeling it was where I should be,” she says. “It just took me awhile to get here.”

Wright says the most advantageous part of the alternative teacher licensure program is the mentorship component.

“My mentor provided excellent guidance throughout my first year as a teacher,” she says. “Even now, it is good to have someone whom I can reach out to in the middle of the day to answer questions.”

Wright recommends PEBC to anyone looking to make a career change, saying, “This program is for people who are fairly independent and good at learning on the job. The experience is very personalized, which is different from a traditional teacher program.”

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